Acne Management
Advanced Skin
Dramatically reduce your chance of spots and minimise the appearance of pores in your skin.
With our advanced IPL skin clearing technologies, your skin specialists can target acne-prone skin to reduce acne bacteria, breakouts and inflammation for a clearer, more balanced and healthier looking complexion.
Half Face $ 98.00
Our highest priority is your skin safety, book your FREE 15min Patch Test today.
Our range of treatments include: Face, Body and Intimate areas.
We have created an optimal 6 Week Acne Management Program for you based on your feedback and areas of concern.
A simple one-off payment will reward you with:
IPL is a non-invasive light-based technology used to remove unwanted hair and improve many skin conditions. Such conditions as age spots, sun spots, freckles, superficial capillaries and other unsightly discolouration of the skin can be eliminated using this technology. IPL is also incredibly effective for those of us who suffer from facial redness and can even stimulate fibroblast causing increased collagen production in your skin for a more natural, lively, healthier looking you!
This will depend on a range of factors, which your skin specialist will discuss during treatment. So come in when convenient for you for your first patch test.
All of our packages are a simple one-off payment, which rewards you with an effortless visit to any salon to redeem your treatments for that package at any time. Plus, we include FREE products that will deliver optimal results throughout the package duration.
Week 1: IPL Acne Treatment (e.g. Monday)
Week 1: IPL Acne Treatment (e.g. Thursday)
Week 2: IPL Acne Treatment (e.g. Monday)
Week 2: IPL Acne Treatment (e.g. Thursday)
Week 3: IPL Acne Treatment (e.g. Thursday)
Week 4: IPL Acne Treatment (e.g. Thursday)
Week 5: Micro-Dermabrasion
Week 6: Micro-Dermabrasion